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These are animations that were created using the Adobe After Effects.

Rae at Winter Frost 

Rae Animation was used to advertising for students to attend an lunch event took place at Center Court Dining Hall for UC.  This event was to celebrate the holiday season of 2023 with food and activities. 

Cycle Animations was used to advertising an class that took place in the Spring Semester at the Campus Recreation Center at University of Cincinnati. This was a large project that included a Poster, a flyer, an Digital Sign and Individual tickets to advertise the class on the CRC's Instagram. 

30-Min. Workout Room

This is an informal animation of the CRC's 30 Min Workout Room. It was used to advertise to students, facility, and staff that were interested in a fast and private workout away from a larger crowd. An room with cable machine equipment that works the whole body and have a timer for you to move to the next equipment or to leave that equipment available for the next person. 

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